I love The Frames

The Frames, the Irish band has been influential in the Dublin rock music scene. The group has released six albums and has existed since 1990.

The name The Frames arose from Hansard's habit, at a young age, of fixing the bicycles of many of his friends. The large number of bicycle frames lying around his house led neighbours to dub it the "house with the frames".
In a 2001 interview, Hansard said, "I worked in a bicycle shop for a little while, but the name came from ... my back garden was so full of frames, my house became known as The Frames house, much to my mother's distaste, she hated it. But my garden was full of frames, old bikes, I would make up bikes for my friends out of all the old bikes. So it sort of became known if anybody found a bike up on the hill on the way home they would throw it into my garden, a graveyard for old bikes."

Enjoy with this video, the song is marvellous! and it received a 2008 Academy Award for Best Original Song and the soundtrack as a whole also received a Grammy nomination.


1 comentario:

Nuria Vidal dijo...

Good to know you are still active... now and then.

Here in LA, California, a bid sad for personal reasons but professionally active preparing my workshop for next Saturday.

Everything OK?